viernes, 1 de enero de 2010

plantas y flores / plants and flowers: The (Oxalis valdiviensis) an herb with kindness

El vinagrillo, una hierba con bondades

Decoración y Diseño, Herbaceas, Hierbas Aromáticas, Jardineria y Botánica, Mi Jardin, Plantas Escribir un comentario
The vinagrillo, an herb with kindness
Decoration and Design, herbs, aromatic herbs and Botanical Garden, My Garden, Plant Write a comment

The vinagrillo (Oxalis valdiviensis) is a small herbaceous plant native to Argentina and Chile, which grows wild in the gardens.
Besides being very hermosísismas ornamental for its yellow flowers, has another important quality: the sour taste of its leaves and edible flowers.

The Mapuche, who call this Chullo yellow grass, harvest their leaves, crushed finely and use it to replace the lemon. The gourmet kitchen is a valuable ingredient for salads and omelettes. Its flavor is due to two acids in the plant: the oxalic and ascorbic acid.
To further increase the benefits, it is also known medicinal properties. Its leaves are used to remedy digestive disorders, as anti-fever and antihaemorrhagic.
Its terrain is like any other herb: frail, no more than 15 cm tall and bulbous raies. Now particularly, the leaves of the plant resemble those of clover, with three or four leaflets to deep heart-shaped. In addition, at night they fold or extreme temperature conditions. Their flowers are showy and yellow bell-shaped with five petals.