martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

Passionflower Passiflora incarnata
Description: climbing vine with large fringed flowers. Large, noticeable yellow
stamens; blooms July - October
Parts used: roots, leaves and fruit
Used as/for: reducing blood pressure, insomnia, tension headaches, epilepsy,
restlessness; Root tea – earaches, boils, cuts and inflammations
Preparations: teas, infusions, decoctions, tinctures and syrups
Habitat: sandy soil  from PA to FL

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

Bee Balm Monarda didyma
Description: herbaceous perennial with scarlet red flowers; leaves paired on square
stems; blooms June - September
Part used: leaf, fresh or dried
Used as/for: colic, headaches, gas, colds, fever, stomachaches, nosebleeds, insomnia,
heart trouble, measles, expel worms and to induce sweating
Preparations: teas (Oswego Tea), infusions, poultices and capsules
Habitat: thickets and stream banks

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Erőműtípuson MÉRET

A besorolást a növények méret szerint

Fák: Ezek a fás szárú növények magasabb, mint öt méter. Ebben az esetben a szárak ismert a neve naplókat, amelyek nem fióktelep jelentős magassága a talajtól.

Cserjék: Ezek a fás szárú növények, amelyek között egy és öt méter magas. Elágazási ebben az esetben kezdődik a legelemibb szinten.

Matas: Ezek a fás szárú növények al-méteres magasságot.

Gyógynövények: Ezek a szár fás struktúrák még nem edzett. , Állaga lágy. (További információ a gyógynövények)

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

the insect world is abuzz with activities that confirm the plant world to be nature’s medicine cabinet

While mainstream medicine largely continues to deny the inherent healing capacity of natural plants and herbs, the insect world is abuzz with activities that confirm the plant world to be nature’s medicine cabinet. According to a new study published in the journal Ecology Letters, the Monarch butterfly routinely uses medicinal plants to help its offspring resist disease and infection.
Researchers observed that Monarch butterflies prefer to lay their egg larvae on milkweed leaves, so they decided to investigate why this is the case. They discovered that milkweed plants contain vital compounds that help the larvae to stay healthy.
“We have shown that some species of milkweed, the larva’s food plants, can reduce parasite infection in monarchs,” explained Jaap de Roode, an evolutionary biologist at Emory University, and author of the study. “[W]e have also found that infected female butterflies prefer to lay their eggs on plants that will make their offspring less sick.”
There are many types of milkweed plants, and some contain very high levels of cardenolides. Cardenolides are toxic to predators, but safe for Monarch butterflies. So when Monarch butterflies eat milkweed rich in the chemical, or lay their larvae on it, they build up a natural resistance to invading predators. The same chemical also helps to stop parasites that can develop in the butterflies’ intestines and kill them.
Mark Hunter, a chemical ecologist from the University of Michigan who collaborated with the research team on the study, believes that the findings hold promising implications for humans as well.
“When I walk around outside, I think of the plants I see as a great, green pharmacy,” he said. “But what also strikes me is how little we actually know about what that pharmacy has to offer. Studying organisms engaged in self-medication gives us a clue as to what compounds might be worth investigating for their potential as human medicines.”

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012

The word Iris means rainbow. Iris is the flower of the Greek goddess Iris who is the messenger of Love. In the language of flowers Iris symbolizeseloquence.

Siberian IrisIrises are wonderful garden plants. The word Iris means rainbow. Irises come in many colors such as blue and purple, white and yellow, pink and orange, brown and red, and even black.
The genus Iris has about 200 species and is native to the North Temperate regions of the world. The habitat of irises also varies a lot. Some irises grow in deserts, some in swamps, some in the cold far north, and many in temperate climates. Bearded Iris and Siberian Iris are two of the most common types of irises grown.
Since Iris is the Greek goddess for the Messenger of Love, her sacred flower is considered the symbol of communication and messages. Therefore the flower iris in the language of flowers symbolizes eloquence. Based on their color, irises convey varied messages. A purple iris is symbolic of wisdom and compliments. A blue iris symbolizes faith and hope. A yellow iris symbolizes passion while white iris symbolizes purity. A gift of iris can be used to convey many emotions.

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Some Interesting Facts about Iris

  • Irises come in many forms, shapes, colors and sizes and the sword-like foliage is attractive when the plant is not in bloom.
  • The Iris was named after the Greek goddess who is considered to be the messenger of love and uses the rainbow to travel. Iris was probably named after the goddess because of the numerous colors it is available in.
  • Irises are among the best-known and loved among garden plants. Irises arehardy herbaceous perennials.
  • The genus Iris is a large genus of bulbous and rhizomatous perennials.
  • The Iris was named after the goddess of the rainbow because of its many colors.
  • A flower on the Sphinx is considered to be an Iris, and another appears on a bas-relief of the time of the 18th Egyptian dynasty.
  • Pliny also knew the Iris and praised its medicinal virtues.
  • The Iris was also a favorite flower of the Moslems who took it to Spain after their conquest in the 8th century.
The Iris flower's characteristic feature is having three petals often called the"standards" and three outer petal-like sepals called the "falls".

Types of Irises

Irises are classified into two major groups, Rhizome Irises and Bulbous Irises. Within those groups are countless species, varieties, cultivars and hybrids, according to the American Iris Society.
Rhizome Irises are thickened stems that grow horizontally, either underground or partially underground. After planting, iris rhizomes produce sword like leaves that overlap, forming flat fans of green foliage. Three popular irises in this group are Bearded, Beardless and Crested Irises.
  • The bearded iris has four distinct parts: the Standards, Falls, Stigma flaps, and Beard
  • The beardless variety has: Standards, Falls and Stigma flaps, but usually have crests
  • The crested Irises or Evansia Iris has: Standards, Falls and Stigma flapsand in addition to a ridge on the falls of the blossom, they have ridges like crests instead of beards
Crested irises are often considered in the same manner as the beardless iris. These plants spread freely by underground stems and produce flat flowers in the shades of blue, violet and white. Often the flowers and leaves are found on bamboo like stems which can vary in height from 5-200 centimeters in height.
Varieties of Bearded IrisVarieties of Beardless Iris
Miniature Dwarf Bearded IrisSiberian Iris
Dwarf Bearded IrisJapanese Iris
Intermediate Bearded IrisLouisiana Iris
Border Bearded IrisDutch Iris
Miniature Tall Bearded IrisYellow Flag Iris
Tall Bearded IrisBlue Flag Iris
Bulbous irises grow from bulbs that require a period of dormancy after they have bloomed. The bulbous irises are typically smaller than rhizome irises and usually produce smaller blossoms.