lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Ficus rubiginosa

Ficus rubiginosa

Its scientific name is Ficus rubiginosa, mentioning the term Latin rusty, rusty, as an allusion to the color of the underside of the leaves. Hence, usually, one of the names that is known is that of Higuera rusty. In gardening is more popularly known by the name of Ficus australis, and even Nitida Ficus australis. This Ficus is usually marketed semiejemplares formats presented in containers of 55 liters with heights of 1.8 to 2 meter trunk.

Originally from Australia, a tree trunk is short, straight gray bark. On this and its main branches, aerial roots often grow when the humidity is high.

The Ficus Rubiginosa has a strong development and is of medium height, though still with leaves forming a dense umbrella-shaped crown thing. In its natural state rather easily exceed 12 meters in height.

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Brauchen Sie für Zimmerpflanzen

In einer Werkshalle verschiedenen Umweltbedingungen auf die optimalen Bedingungen benötigt, um zu wachsen und entwickeln sich in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung, so, wenn wir unser Haus mit Pflanzen schmücken wollen, müssen wir berücksichtigen Faktoren wie die Höhe der Licht, Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit sind der Webseite platziert werden.

Das Licht für Pflanzenschutzmittel

Grüne Pflanzen brauchen Licht zu entwickeln, werden aber einige, die mehr Quantität als andere benötigen, abhängig von der Art oder Pflanzenart in Frage oder sogar das Alter der gleichen, für eine junge Pflanze braucht weniger Licht als ältere .

Wer oder Unterstützung brauchen wir die direkte Sonneneinstrahlung in die Fenster gestellt und sogar einigen kann im Ausland sein, aber zuerst müssen wir uns allmählich daran gewöhnt, sofern vorhanden.

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010


decorar con plantas naturales







また我々は、これらのは、はかなさが、私たちは、他の装飾的な要素を取るれません新鮮空間or tableを飾るto allow自然の花of重要を忘れてしまった。






decorar con plantas naturales

decorar con plantas naturales

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

HOW TO GROW LETTUCE IN HOUSE plantas flores Plants Flowers Blumen الزهور 花卉 fleurs 꽃 bloemen Fiori 花 цветы квіти gėlės फूल цветя λουλούδια


The lettuce is characterized as a type of plant that does not present any complications when we try to grow it in a pot. If you are thinking it will need a rectangular-shaped planter 50 x 15, this is ideal for planting up to four floors.

If you want to start growing in the winter months you can do is buy some stock plants, these are usually a little longer grown, but the best thing you can do if you buy this type of plants is to plant them immediately because which are the most sensitive, if cared for properly it is likely that in the spring have your lettuce to taste.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Flowers Zamioculcas - flowers are unisexual

Flores de Zamioculca

As we say, Zamioculcas flowers are of little interest and rarely appears as an ornamental houseplant.

As a description, the flowers are unisexual with spathe Zamioculcas very similar to the Anthurium and Spathiphyllum. It is bright yellow, four to seven centimeters, and is partially hidden between the bases of their leaves.

In Europe, flowering usually occurs between the months of May through October depending on weather and plant age. These flowers can live for several weeks.

Zamioculcas flowers emerge at ground level individually. In doing so, leave as a stem with its tip thickened aspect of entry and differs significantly from the shape of its long stems of leaves which we are accustomed. Upon reaching ten to fifteen centimeters long and the time that opens its flower, it bends downward even to touch the substrate. Thus, only appreciate their presence if we look with curiosity at the base of the plant from time to time.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

어떤 유전자가 가장 오래된 식물을 longevididad 도와 드릴까요?

일부 커팅 꽃과 식물 냄비에 마지막으로 다른 사람보다 더 오래, 즉, 그들은 노화 과정, 노화로 알려진 천천히. 농업 연구 서비스 미국 (ARS는) 과학자들은 어떻게 도움이 꽃의 아름다움을 연장, 식물의 노화 조절 유전자 메커니즘을 분석하고 공부하는 과학자.

하나의 옵션은 바이러스가 유발 유전자 (영어의 약자로 VIGS), 어떤 연구자들은 오래된 식물에서 유전자의 역할을 확인할 수 있습니다 입을라고합니다. 실험실에서 과학자들은 관심이 식물에서 유전자를 삽입하여 마지막으로 바뀌었습니다 바이러스 스너프 방울뱀을 사용. 실험에서 꽃의 일부 식물은 다른 사람이이 바이러스에 노출되는 바이러스에 더 노출을받은 다른 기존 및 수정된.

노출은 침묵을 시도 바이러스를 포함하여 식물의 자연 방어 메커니즘을 자극. 이러한 경우가 발생, 수정된 바이러스의 유전자 도입도 잠잠했다. 모든 식물을 비교, 그 연구팀은 유전자 다시 침묵의 기능을 확인할 수 있습니다 가능합니다.

이전의 실험에서, 연구진은 모델 식물 피튜니아로 사용. 그것은 그 색상을 제공하는 유전자 조각을 삽입하여 바이러스가, 꽃이 (이 정상적으로 자주색 것입니다) 흰 얼룩이 있어요 얻은 발견되었습니다. 식물의 방어 시스템은, s는, 색상의 생성을 말할 유전자의 정상적인 기능을 입막음.

두 번째 유전자 조각이 바이러스는 또한 식물에 흰 점이 꽃으로 입막음을 삽입했다. 그 유전자가 어떤 노화의 합성입니다 에틸렌을 생산의 기능을 입막음을했다. 그것은 그 흰 점이 바뀌었 바이러스에 노출과 식물 unexposed 식물이나 식물 수정되지 않은 바이러스에 노출된 채 에틸렌을 생산 발견되었습니다.

VIGS는 다른 연구 토마토와 스너프에있는 유전자의 기능과 관련된에서 사용되고 있지만, 이들 연구진의 실험과 꽃을 잘라 화분은 상업적으로 생산 먼저했다.

Ficus clear

Ficus nítida

The Ficus as outdoor plants in general are achieving a high profile during these past 15 years, both in public and private gardening. One of the most used in this field is the Ficus clear.

The sharp Ficus belongs to the family of Moraceae and under different names share technical literature such as the very sharp and the Ficus Ficus retusa, agreed to be the official name of the Ficus microcarpa, which means small leaf. Another name that is popularly known as the Laurel de Indias.

This Ficus is marketed throughout the year so containerized. The presentations range from a tree in containers of 40 to 60 centimeters in diameter and stem height of 1.7 to 1.8 meters, floors and has worked particularly its top (aerial part) to provide forms of balls container from 34 to 80 liter capacity trunk heights of 1.75 to 1.8 meters.

The birthplace of Ficus nitida is from the south and southeast Asia to Australia. In the Iberian Peninsula and other areas of the rest of Europe where the climate is mild winters, this ficus is perfectly suited elegance providing a valued ornamental.

The sharp Ficus used in gardening as an evergreen tree, of great development with a wide and dense canopy. Its trunk is thick, gray bark and smooth, usually branched from a certain height. The emission of aerial roots is one of its features, hanging from its branches to the ground.

Your trunk is widened base and abundant foliage, which makes it excellent as a shade tree for large gardens and walks. Its final height can be overcome if nothing is done by appropriate pruning to 25 meters.

Its leaves are alternate, about 4 to 9 centimeters in length. They are bright green in the beam, rather coriaceous, ovate-elliptical shape.

The fruits of slightly less than 1 centimeter in diameter, appearing axillary, sessile, usually arranged in pairs. They are somewhat pear-shaped and yellowish-green, turning purple when ripe.

As we say, the Ficus nitida is a tree very demanding and fast development. This supports very well the pruning, to the point of being able to create shapes. Just pruning, are one of the most valuable cultural practices to maintain and control this plant within the desired volume in space.