miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

plantas y flores / plants and flowers: Homeopathy-the-medicine-in-communion-with-nature-p2


The drug is given in infinitesimal doses, which is the only substance enregía. This point is disputed and scientific studies are attempting to explain the phenomenon. In the light of the momentous revolution that occurred last century physics, it is almost impossible to separate the molecular biological processes of the subatomic, the psyche and the habitat.

Once the medication prescribed, the phenomenon of healing, first mood descended after a lso improve physical symptoms. For chronic diseases, the improvement may not occur with the first rpimera drug and dose, the patient must be aware and be prepared to process a joint effort with the homeopathic physician.
Homeopathy is a complementary medicine that prevents disease and can act as single or adjunctive therapy in cases where non-derogable allopathic treatment.
Home homeopathic medications, a code information transmitted from nature. This allows you to exit the rigid schemes to survive and we make contact with the deep source of life that is waiting to be present in us when we express ourselves.
Wn synthesis, homeopathic cure when there is communion between man and nature ...

martes, 2 de febrero de 2010

plantas y flores / plants and flowers: Homeopathy Medicine in communion with nature - Part I

Today, in a society where increasingly get sicker, and less time we all seem to want to return to the lives of our ancient past. To understand this method of treatment that sees human beings as a whole and use natural medicines to stimulate self-healing processes.
Today, the meyoría of persons performing medical treatments alongside complementary carry a homeopathic therapy. In the United States and some European countries, universities have iuncluída in preparing this material, and provide these Servivios in hospitals. In Latin America, this is not happening yet, creating a problem in health systems, as these activities are carried out clandestinely.
Homeopathy was developed by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1775-1843), who carefully made many experiments, which are the basis of this science.

For homeopathy, disease is an attempt made by the body to heal. It is an expression of the diversion of vital energy, which leads away from the ideal state of health. The physical and mental suffering, are warning that something is wrong.
Within a paradigm itself, homeopathy is a way of doing therapy. It is based on the principle of similarity (homeopathy, for Omios, similar and Phatos, suffering). A substance capable of producing in testing certain symptoms in a healthy individual, cure those same symptoms in a patient. The drug "like" a stimulus that generates the healing reaction. Alopátca conception differs, based on the principle of opposites. This is for example, drugs used for inflammation: anti-inflammatories.
In our susceptibility, we are victims of harsh climatic conditions, toxic, or live hiding suffering through the silence, or personality traits often opposed to our deepest sense, or carrying nustro traumatic circumstances of the past. This is seen in mental and physical symptoms. The homeopath must acknowledge that suffering to distinguish this unique human being and his particular form of suffering. The key point is to understand the deep core of pain that the patient's life structure.
After having this knowledge, the physician indicates a single drug (one). Is determined by the particular form of disease the patient: one emdicamento can be used for different conditions and, opr contrast, the same condition can be cured with various medications.