viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010


los jacintos
Known by the common name of Hyacinths, the scientist is Hyacinthus. Belongs to the family of Liliaceae. Is a genus of one species from Asia Minor and the Balkans. The most common is H.orientalis and more than two thousand different varieties. Almost all varieties come from H. orientalis, known as Dutch Jacinto.

According to legend the Jacinto name comes from a Greek prince named Hyakinthos Zephiran who was slain, the god of the west wind and shed their blood gave birth to this flower.

Plants are about 20-30 cm. tall, large bulb. The leaves are wide, linear, grouped out from the base. The flowers are small, bell-shaped, forming clusters or spikes that may be of different colors: purple, yellow, blue, white, strawberry, etc ... and very fragrant. Their normal flowering season is April / May.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Actinophylla Schefflera, Schefflera arboricola

Flores de tomillo

The Cheflera is one of the most popular houseplants. Belongs to the Araliaceae family and is native to tropical areas of Taiwan, New Zealand and Southeast Asia.

Totaling 150 species and the two most popular are:

Schefflera actinophylla (= Brassai actinophylla). Over time a tree is 7-8 m in height.

Schefflera arboricola: Most varieties are for sale as houseplants are of this kind. For example, arboreal Schefflera 'Charlotte', Schefflera arboreal 'Melanie' arboreal Schefflera 'Gold Capella', 'Trinette', 'Variegata', etc.

They are not difficult to grow plants. We see him point by point:


Where is best near a window, but no direct sun in summer.

If you are losing leaves, are too small or yellow variegation is less, it near a window, maybe there is recovered.


Keep it in a moderately cool temperature (12 to 25 ° C) and free of drafts when possible.

In frost-free climates or very slight (- 2 ° C a few hours) can live all year outdoors. In fact, many people have the Cheflera on the terrace or garden with shadow and sometimes gives better results than indoors.

If inside is bad, take it out to the balcony to see if it improves. In winter in cold climates, it must be put back inside.


Thanks a high humidity in the air (it grows more and has better color), but supports the dry and stale air.

Spray the foliage from time to time, especially if there are heating and drying that occurs in summer. It will also wash the leaves.


The Cheflera needs little water and even less cool if you're in a room with low light intensities.

Remember that flooding is the worst enemy and the main crop failure. Better too little water and go looking. Drought hardly die without giving signals before and with the possibility of recovering watering.

Needs good drainage. Check the bottom of the pot hole is not clogged and compacted substrate.


Provides green liquid plant fertilizer once a month between March and October as the dosage indicated on the label, or every 15 days to energize.

Liquid fertilizer is fast-acting, but there are granules of slow release or bars, ie for 4 or 5 months are releasing nutrients to the roots. It is more convenient than the liquid because you have to be aware of throw. What not to do is to use both at once, as it may 'burn' the plant by excess.


Grows large and can reach the ceiling, unless the trimmings for a more rounded shape and dense instead of lanky.

If you start a sheet including the petiole, the insertion point of the petiole with the stem then leave 2 leaves.

If the base is peeled, you can prune it to issue new outbreaks or other Cheflera foot plant at small to fill the void of vegetation.


If you are young, trasplántala to a larger pot early, if not, do it every 2 years or simply replaces the top layer of substrate on the other fresh.

If the roots come out the bottom hole is a sign that the pot is now too small.

Sets the stem with a rubber band type a guardian or bamboo stick covered with moss.


1. Disorders

Should be acclimated to your home and "take place" after the change of conditions (light, temperature and humidity).

Yellow and deciduous leaves: over-watering. Let the compost dry out between waterings. Check it out excess water drain hole and the substrate is not compacted; Instead, loosen with a fork.

The neck of the plant is dark, excess water.

Leaves fall down it can come from lack of light.

Pale leaves, lack of fertilizers and / or light.

Leaves 'burned': too much fertilizer. Water deeply to 'wash' the fertilizer substrate.

2. Diseases

"Alternariosis (Alternaria panax)

Circular spots on leaves. There are products to prevent disease progression, such as Daconil 0.15% (active matter Procymidone).

"Dotted leaf (Xanthomonas campestris pv. Heredae)

On the beam with a yellow dot appears less than 1 mm in diameter. If infection occurs strong leaf yellowing and subsequent fall. Do not wet the leaves to detect early symptoms.

"Bold (Fumagina spp.)

It's a black soot on the leaves and stems. It is a fungus that is based on the honeydew excreted Mealybugs, aphids and whitefly. Eliminating these pests will not Bold.

"Powdery mildew

In the leaves a white powder that dry and fall. Use a fungicide Antioidio.

"Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp. Gleosporium spp.).

"Leaf spots (Cercospora spp.).

"Basal stem rot (Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia).

The temperature of both the soil and the environment, affects the rate of flowering and stem length. Likewise, excesses and imbalances can get to create water stress and resulted in the death of the plant.

The most suitable temperatures for gerbera are about 25 º C during the day and 20 º C at night.

By type of foliage, Gerbera requires a rather high relative humidity of around 75%. But humidity of this kind must be accompanied by adequate ventilation, especially during the winter months to prevent diseases like Botrytis problems.

Light is also important. A lack of light will reduce the emission of lateral buds and thus fewer new flowers. Similarly, the lack of light affect the quality of flowering stems that are long and weak, in addition to flower color of less intensity.

If we plant the potted Gerberas, these must be quite high for the plant to find a deep soil to develop its root system as we have said. If we do prepare the ground directly in farming plateaus.

Planting is recommended in late May, beginning to flower in three months. When planting, the neck of the plant should not be buried to prevent spread of disease.

As the Gerbera is very sensitive to any mechanical manipulation because it can cause damage to the root system during the first disbudding be done with care and once the stems are more than 15 inches long. At first, the elimination of weeds is carried out manually. After three or four months, the most common cultural practices and may be less careful because the root system of Gerbera be better implemented.

Along with the harvesting and preparation of the flower, leaf removal is an operation that affects crop performance significantly. This is to remove all those aged leaves or plant parts that prevent proper lighting and ventilation and that are the focus of pests and diseases.

Are performed starting at the approximate year of culture and thereafter every two or three months. With the bare, avoid rubbing the leaves with the flower buds and can cause deformities in flowers and stems sprains.

Gerbera often have a dormancy period coinciding with the winter season in the northern hemisphere. Only a professional level, you try to change the rest of season to get better prices on the sale of this flower.

As the subscriber, the well balanced nitrogen is essential for the proper development of this plant in the early stages of growth. Later nitrogen nutrition influences the duration of the flowers. The application ex-sandy land, fertilizer 2:1:1 complex young plants such good results.

The recommended pH should be around 5.5 to 6 and it recommends a balanced NPK type 1-0,5-1,3 before flowering and during flowering 1-0,4-1,6.

Finally, the risk of Gerbera it is recommended that water quality and directly on the ground.

It is important to avoid water stress after planting because the roots are not able to extend and explore the ground. To avoid the risks will be enhanced even in less quantity, humidify the air and shade the crop area. Once well established, the risks will be less intense and further apart in time.

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Myriophyllum verticillatum - Haloragaceas Myriophyllum which hosts about 45 species,

Within the family is the Gender Haloragaceas Myriophyllum which hosts about 45 species, all of them as freshwater aquatic plants, having a cosmopolitan distribution. These include the species Myriophyllum verticillatum.

Myriophyllum verticillatum

The Myriophyllum verticillatum is a listed aquatic grass plants within the group of oxygen that can live in stagnant water or something salty sweet.

The plant can be described as herbaceous perennial that grows submerged in the pond or aquarium. His long branched stalks can reach up to three meters in length.

These stems have whorls, usually five leaves and often longer than their internodes. Its leaves are divided into about 30 segments filiform. These plants tended to cover all the land at their disposal.

As for their flowers grow in spikes and colorful little above water (so that the pollen to circulate freely through the air), in whorls of 5, with bracts eventually divided. Are yellow-green of about three millimeters, most unisexual, with male flowers above and female flowers below.

In the northern hemisphere, usually flower in late spring and summer.

Fertilization of Myriophyllum verticillatum in the pond can be done with special soluble fertilizers at very low doses to avoid damaging the water quality.

As for maintenance, trimming their branches must go to avoid encroaching over the pond areas.

Myriophyllum verticillatum

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

the cultivation of Gerbera

Flores de Gerberas

An important factor in the cultivation of Gerbera is the substrate. This should be light, deep and airy which enables unlimited development of the plant's root system. Plant is very sensitive both to root asphyxia, as the infection of certain fungi that affect the neck of the stem and root system. Its pH should be neutral or slightly acid.

The temperature of both the soil and the environment, affects the rate of flowering and stem length. Likewise, excesses and imbalances can get to create water stress and resulted in the death of the plant.

The most suitable temperatures for gerbera are about 25 º C during the day and 20 º C at night.

By type of foliage, Gerbera requires a rather high relative humidity of around 75%. But humidity of this kind must be accompanied by adequate ventilation, especially during the winter months to prevent diseases like Botrytis problems.

Light is also important. A lack of light will reduce the emission of lateral buds and thus fewer new flowers. Similarly, the lack of light affect the quality of flowering stems that are long and weak, in addition to flower color of less intensity.

If we plant the potted Gerberas, these must be quite high for the plant to find a deep soil to develop its root system as we have said. If we do prepare the ground directly in farming plateaus.

Planting is recommended in late May, beginning to flower in three months. When planting, the neck of the plant should not be buried to prevent spread of disease.

As the Gerbera is very sensitive to any mechanical manipulation because it can cause damage to the root system during the first disbudding be done with care and once the stems are more than 15 inches long. At first, the elimination of weeds is carried out manually. After three or four months, the most common cultural practices and may be less careful because the root system of Gerbera be better implemented.

Along with the harvesting and preparation of the flower, leaf removal is an operation that affects crop performance significantly. This is to remove all those aged leaves or plant parts that prevent proper lighting and ventilation and that are the focus of pests and diseases.

Are performed starting at the approximate year of culture and thereafter every two or three months. With the bare, avoid rubbing the leaves with the flower buds and can cause deformities in flowers and stems sprains.

Gerbera often have a dormancy period coinciding with the winter season in the northern hemisphere. Only a professional level, you try to change the rest of season to get better prices on the sale of this flower.

As the subscriber, the well balanced nitrogen is essential for the proper development of this plant in the early stages of growth. Later nitrogen nutrition influences the duration of the flowers. The application ex-sandy land, fertilizer 2:1:1 complex young plants such good results.

The recommended pH should be around 5.5 to 6 and it recommends a balanced NPK type 1-0,5-1,3 before flowering and during flowering 1-0,4-1,6.

Finally, the risk of Gerbera it is recommended that water quality and directly on the ground.

It is important to avoid water stress after planting because the roots are not able to extend and explore the ground. To avoid the risks will be enhanced even in less quantity, humidify the air and shade the crop area. Once well established, the risks will be less intense and further apart in time.

sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010

실내 식물이 필요

공장 바닥 내부 최적의 조건을 성장하고 그들의 자연적인 환경에서 개발에 필요한 다양한 환경 조건, 그래서 우리가 식물과 우리의 집을 장식하려는있다, 우리는 계좌로 금액과 같은 요인을해야합니다 라이트는 온도와 습도가 사이트의 배치하여야한다.

식물의 빛

녹색 식물들이 빛을 자라지만, 필요가있을 것입니다 몇몇 사람, 입력하거나 문제의 식물의 종 또는 심지어 같은 나이에 따라 다른 사람보다 더 많은 수량이 필요합니다, 어린 식물보다 오래된 빛을 필요로 .

자들이 필요하거나 우리는 창문 근처에서 그들을 넣어도 일부는 해외로 수 있습니다 직사 광선을 지원, 그러나 먼저 우리는 익숙한되어야 점차있는 경우.

viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

dekorieren mit natürlichen Pflanzen

decorar con plantas naturales

Das Tempo der modernen Städte und wie sie organisiert werden, haben ihren Lebensstil zu ändern gezwungen. Der Garten, die historisch war ein Ort, fast ebenso wichtig wie die gleichen Wohnsitz, wurden zu verschwinden, während die Städte wuchsen.

In diesem kleinen Ort der natürlichen Umgebung, Häuser und Wohnungen mit natürlichen Pflanzen, sich zu erholen und die Idee des Gartens zu imitieren versuchen gefüllt. Wir dürfen nicht vergessen, dass wir Teil der Natur und ihre Beziehung zu uns von Vorteil ist. Aus diesem Grund lassen wir die Pflanzen sind Teil unseres Lebens: sie werden uns für die Invasion der Farben und Aromen Ecke unseres Hauses zu danken.

Pflanzen sind Lebewesen, die Pflege und wiederum kompensieren uns wachsen und füllen Sie unser Haus mit der Natur erfordern.

dekorieren mit natürlichen Pflanzen

Einige Arten von Pflanzen zur Dekoration verwendet werden, wie Ficus, aber wir dürfen uns nicht darauf beschränken zu ihnen. Wie mit dem Rest der Objekte, die unser Haus schmücken, wählen Sie Pflanzen, die am besten unseren Geschmack und die Umwelt wollen wir schaffen. Wenn Sie eine Pflanze, im Kopf behalten, dass es ein Lebewesen, das wächst und sich verändert ist. Experten sagen uns die Art, Blütenfarbe, wenn es vertikal oder horizontal wächst, am richtigen Ort zu Ort, sowie Pflege und ihre Bedürfnisse, um ein unterstützendes Umfeld zu schaffen.

Vergessen wir auch nicht die Bedeutung der natürlichen Blumen, als ob diese sind vergänglich, ermöglichen es uns, einen Raum oder einen Tisch mit einer Frische, die nicht mit anderen dekoratives Element erhalten schmücken.

dekorieren mit natürlichen Pflanzen

Abschließend Was, wenn man mit Pflanzen zu tun haben wird:

* Wählen Sie Pflanzen, die nach den Bedingungen des Weltraums, um sie legte, wohin Sie gehen.
* Um die Pflege, die sie benötigen. Denken Sie daran, dass sie sind Lebewesen, die auf Ihrem Pflege angewiesen.
* Dekoration mit Pflanzen, die Wohnfläche des Gartens als Ersatz und als Bindeglied mit der Natur.

Was sollten Sie niemals tun wird:

* Natürliche Pflanzen in Gebieten Place ohne natürliches Licht oder Lüftung, erinnern sie sind Lebewesen.
* Die Pflanzen in der Nähe von Wärmequellen, wie die letzten trockenen Umgebung Place.
* Bei Verwendung von natürlichen Pflanzen in den Zimmern. In den Abend verbrauchen Sauerstoff aus der Luft, die einen Einfluß auf die dort schlafen können.

decorar con plantas naturales

decorar con plantas naturales

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Autumn Flowers

The arrival of autumn does not mean that your garden should become a wasteland of scorched earth. To enjoy a flower garden throughout the year, you plant perennials in key areas.

In the fall we can choose perennial flowers or foliage in vivid hues. For example, are very common for this time of year the bulbous, like freesias, tulips and carnations, cyclamen and dwarf and golden rod. Foliage can also contribute significantly to give color to the garden. The leaves of some herbaceous perennials provide interesting colors to the garden during the autumn period. Your garden will be dressed in bright purple, yellow and red.

However, the expert gardeners often use ornamental grasses that combine well with other species such as shrubs and flowers. Often used in pots placed in sunny locations or more edges of the roads, bringing vitality to the environment. In addition, these plants require minimal care, but need to be pruned in late winter a few inches of soil. Thus, when spring starts, begin to develop a vigorous new foliage. Furthermore, one of its main advantages is that they rarely get sick. Among the most common varieties we can find the Pennisetum and miscanthus. The latter, has a greater height and has different foliage colors. In addition to its shape and colorful foliage, many of the ornamental grasses have seed heads that last well into winter.

Autumn Flowers

There are several perennial plants that hold the flowers in the fall. Among the highlights, we can find the autumn crocus, cyclamen or dwarf, but most notably without any doubt about the other species are freesias, tulips, carnations or thoughts.

The autumn crocus is a dwarf bulbous plant should be planted in large groups. Its flowers are double, finely tubular. Its color is close to lilac pink, and sometimes you may need support. The autumn crocus leaves appear in spring. It should be planted in full sun, although they remain in perfect condition in temperate winters.

Moreover, the dwarf cyclamen is characterized by its beautiful variegated, lobed leaves and by its slender stems. It also gives pink or white flowers, and is often used as a blanket at the foot of the trees. Like the crocus, it is ideal for planting in groups.

Freesias are plants from South Africa, presented by the end of winter a lot of yellow flowers, red and violet. They are very fragrant and highly decorative. Also adapted to growing in pots and kept well for quite some time after the cut. For this reason, are perfect for flower centers.

For culture need to be planted in full sun, but once the plants are grown and begin to give flowers, you have to be transferred to a partially shady place to prevent damage. The soil in which they are planted should be well drained and fertilized, and they need plenty of organic matter. You freesias watering during the early days and during bloom every two or three days. Then you go to irrigation frequency spacing, to dry the leaves, at which point you will stop watering.

On the other hand, thoughts are flowers outside. It is an annual plant, ie, his life is one year. You can find on the market many varieties and colors. They all come from hybrids and mutations in a European species named Viola tricolor. It is one of the few plants that have flowers throughout the winter, giving a touch of color. They are very easy to maintain and grow very fast, but never longer than 25 inches high.

For thoughts to grow well, they should be planted on soils rich in nutrients, ensuring that always remains wet. Need to be planted in full sun, but endure the winter cold perfection. Its flowering period is extensive, and they start to flower from early fall until the arrival of summer. They begin to wilt, and you better throw. However, if they wilt too soon, you can still save them. For that, you cut the stem as low as possible and so will flourish more.

Often need to be paid, because the nutrients in the first planting will last just two months. So after that time you water with fertilizer for flowering plants, as directed by each manufacturer. Also, be careful because they are often attacked by common pests such as aphids, which are fought with an insecticide home, or powdery mildew. When attacked by the latter, you better throw the plant because the remedy costs more than the plant itself.

Finally, keep in mind, tulips and carnations. The former are characterized by bell-shaped flowers, very appreciated by this form and its color. On the other hand, carnations are cultivated outdoors, with many varieties and colors, which support well the cold, damp and frost.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Schefflera actinophylla as an indoor plant can be found on the market

Schefflera actinophylla como planta de interior

Schefflera actinophylla as an indoor plant can be found on the market in mid-size formats to large common being between 14 to 22 cm diameter pots.

Its appeal lies in his brilliant ornamental and elegant leaves, ideal for use in the decoration of rooms, dining hall ... both home and in restaurants, hotels ... in short spaces covered but high volume.

Schefflera actinophylla is the adult stage is a tree that belongs to the Araliaceae family, originally from Australia, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, is popularly known as the octopus tree. Therefore, their time in indoor plant decoration and will be relatively limited, its location must be very bright and their origins, rather thank elevated temperatures.

As a houseplant, the Schefflera actinophilla sold throughout the year, planted in pots with some shrub and group several plants in each pot.

Its leaves are somewhat leathery shown clustered towards the ends of branches, number of 8 to 15 leaflets. The adult leaves are usually larger and number of leaflets that young. In states often young people flourish.

The indoor location should be near natural light sources such as windows without being in direct sunlight to avoid burning the leaves.

Temperatures between 18 and 30 º C are a good range for their development. The risks should be direct to the pot and as often as necessary to prevent the plant suffers drought periods and subject them to stress that as a result can lead to a loss of leaves. Schefflera actinophylla is a plant that responds well to cultivation in hidrojardinera. Spraying the leaves with water, if it is rich in lime, white stain causing them to lose part of their ornamental value.

As a subscriber, a balance is very suitable 1-1-1,5 by paying the amount recommended by the manufacturer during the year. As doses vary between a maximum and minimum, smaller doses can be used during spring and summer in Europe (higher frequency of irrigation), and maximum in autumn and winter (less frequent watering).

As for pests inside the home, only the scale insects and aphids in spring and mites in hot weather, can present a serious way. With systemic insecticides and miticides the first case in the second, are the solution to these problems. In all cases, wet during the treatment of both the beam and the underside of leaves for greater efficiency.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Myriophyllum aquaticum. Native to the Amazon basin (South America)

Myriophyllum aquaticum

Among aquatic plants, including plants in the group of oxygen, is the Myriophyllum aquaticum. Native to the Amazon basin (South America), belongs to the family of Haloragaceas and is part of the 45 species that includes the Gender Myriophyllum. Also popularly known names such as "Brazilian yarrow", "parrot feather", "watermilfoil", "Napoleon in water", etc. is one of these freshwater aquatic plants of cosmopolitan distribution.

Myriophyllum aquaticum plant can be described as the perennial erect stem, with pinnate leaves, arranged around a sturdy stem in groups of 4 to 6 leaves. These leaves are 1.5 to almost 4 inches, has about 25 divisions in the form of threadlike segments each wing, giving the characteristic feathery appearance. The distance between the whorls is greater at the base ... shortened as they reach the end.

Developed root system that is adapted to be anchored to the substrate, but also can develop adventitious roots from their stems. The length of these can be of limited size in aquariums and easily reach over one meter and a half in lakes and ponds.

Myriophyllum aquaticum The flowers have male and female flowers are born in the axils of the leaves emerged. The female flowers are white, no petals, 4 sepals and stigmas prominent and a total size of only 1.5 mm. Its male flowers are 8 stamens.

As a plant is likely to emerge and submerge, in which case they change their morphology. These changes are a lower division of the leaves, greater rigidity and maintain a darker green than the submersed leaves, soft touch and light green. We know that in the first stage of life is purely aquatic (submerged).

The Myriophyllum aquaticum is a plant of rapid growth in appropriate conditions can create large masses, to the extent that in many countries is classified as invasive plant impeding the normal flow of water, and they even seriously alter lake ecosystems and rivers. Precisely for this rapid growth, is a voracious devourer of nitrates.

His play is very simple. As a flowering plant can reproduce by seed, although the fastest and safest way is by dividing up their stems, are ideal those who already have well-developed adventitious roots.

Highlight your rustic with a great capacity for adaptation. It shows you can live in temperatures between 10 º C to 30 º C. and pH 5.5-8.0. In terms of lighting can do in full sun.

The preferred substrate must be nutritious, but grows well in ferruginous and peat lands. Paradoxically, Myriophyllum aquaticum can also grow with the roots in water.

Emphasize that it is an outstanding plant as forming "screens havens" for fish, being very suitable for spawning them.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

the genus Thymus

Plantas de Thymus

Within the genus Thymus numerous species, some of which are used as ornamentals in gardens.

All screws are perennial plants with woody stem that usually have a low height and living in poor, stony soil of dry regions. Its leaves are tiny and have aromas.

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Como crescer ALFACE EM CASA


A alface é caracterizado como um tipo de planta que não apresenta quaisquer complicações quando tentamos reproduzi-la em um pote. Se você está pensando que vai precisar de um plantador de forma retangular 50 x 15, este é ideal para o plantio de até quatro andares.

Se quiser começar a crescer nos meses de inverno você pode fazer é comprar algumas plantas de valores, estes são geralmente já cresceu um pouco, mas a melhor coisa a fazer se você compra esse tipo de planta está plantada imediatamente porque que são os mais sensíveis, se tratado com cuidado, é provável que na primavera tem seu alface a gosto.

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010

Agapanthus or flower of love

Flowers in the world but sometimes there are many flowers do not attract our attention by the type of flower it is but by the name they have and in this case, this plant has passed me.

Agapanthus plant is called but what is striking is the translation (from the Greek) which means flower of love (agape is love and is anthos flower.

It is a plant of the lily family made up of many flowers that are born into a sort of range reaching up to 40 flowers (they are tiny but they seem like a bunch).

The Agapanthus is a plant late in that it takes about 2-3 years to bloom. But after that period, usually bloom every year and with some care, flowering can be increased gradually.

Their needs are:

Frequent irrigation but not abundant.
Average temperature (not too cold).
Reproduction by division of tubers in March.
Partial shade.
Compost medium.

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Che geni aiuto più longevididad vecchi impianti?

Alcuni fiori recisi e piante in vaso durare più a lungo di altri, vale a dire che rallentare il processo di invecchiamento, conosciuto come senescenza. Gli scienziati del Servizio di ricerca agricola negli Stati Uniti (ARS), gli scienziati stanno studiando il modo per aiutare a prolungare la bellezza dei fiori, analizzando i meccanismi genetici che controllano l'invecchiamento nelle piante.

Una possibilità è chiamato virus silenziamento genico indotto (VIGS con il suo acronimo in inglese), che consente ai ricercatori di determinare il ruolo dei geni nelle piante vecchie. In laboratorio, gli scienziati hanno usato un serpente a sonagli tabacco da fiuto virus, che è stato modificato con l'inserimento di geni da piante di interesse. Negli esperimenti, alcune piante in fiore non ha ricevuto alcuna esposizione al virus, altri sono esposti al virus ad altri convenzionali e modificati.

L'esposizione stimola i meccanismi di difesa naturale della pianta, compresi i tentativi di far tacere il virus. In questo caso, i geni introdotti negli virus modificato è stato disattivato. Confronto tra tutte le piante, è possibile che i ricercatori in grado di determinare la funzione dei geni silenziati di nuovo.

In esperimenti precedenti, i ricercatori hanno utilizzato come pianta modello Petunia. Si è accertato che il virus inserendo un pezzo di un gene che dà il colore, il fiore ottenuto (che normalmente sono viola) hanno macchie bianche. Il sistema di difesa della pianta a tacere la funzione normale del gene, s dire, la creazione di colore.

Un frammento di secondo gene inserito il virus è stato messo a tacere anche in piante con fiori con macchie bianche. Tale gene è stato messo a tacere la funzione di produzione di etilene, che è un composto di invecchiamento. Si è constatato che le piante con macchie bianche esposti al virus modificato di etilene prodotto meno di piante non esposte o piante esposte al virus non modificato.

Anche se VIGS è stata utilizzata in altri studi relativi alla funzione dei geni nel pomodoro e tabacco da fiuto, gli esperimenti di questi ricercatori sono stati i primi a fiori recisi e piante in vaso prodotte commercialmente.