miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

Nerium oleander, azalea Mediterranean

Flores de adelfa
With the arrival of summer in Spain, millions of tourists choose this country as a destination to enjoy pleasant temperatures, long hours of sunshine and warm waters of its beaches. And while traveling on the highways ... the Nerium oleander, also known as oleander, accompanies them as part of the landscape as it is a plant used in the planting of the medians of these roads and roundabouts, as well as being a species of plant use ornamental in parks and gardens.

Thus, not surprisingly, particularly the inhabitants of the countries of central and northern Europe, when they see these plants, associated with good weather and leisure time. Under this premise, several Spanish nurseries that cultivate the Nerium oleander to be marketed in these countries as a houseplant.

Its culture as an indoor plant is associated with the use of technologies to obtain flowering plants with ornamental aspect that differs significantly from having their sisters in the wild (wild Nerium oleander).

For starters are selected varieties, both double flowers, semi-double as simple, in a wide range of pure colors as the classic red, pink, salmon and white ... in addition to its range of hues. Noted that the demand varies with the fashions and while each variety has its name, always called by the color of its flowers.

In order to improve their quality varietal, companies like Viverpal (Valencia - Spain) has a laboratory in-vitro culture to clean up these plants and determine their genotypes. The seedlings resulting from this process are designed to produce different generations from mother plants.

In nurseries, the Nerium oleander is cultivated in pots in this mode, with sizes that range between 12 and 17 centimeters in diameter with overall heights of 30 to 50 centimeters.

Each pot usually has two or more cuttings of plants with several branches each, creating a whole plant densely populated. The use of compaction techniques, are also the density of its foliage is quite higher than they would in their natural state.

Its culture is typically over a year. It cuttings from late February in trays of alveoli, are transplanted about 30 or 45 days after its final pot and sold between April and May next year.

The sale of these plants is carried out in target countries such as Germany, Holland, Denmark, Belgium ... and even in the Nordic countries. This sale is made on arrival at garden centers (center gardens) and large shopping centers.

As we say, when these plants start to appear in stores on April and May, the feeling that they get good weather and the holiday is rewarding. Such is the popularity of this plant that many groups are referred to as the Nerium oleander, azalea Mediterranean.

viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

Culantrillo Plantas verdes de apartamento


N. Específico

Adianthum capillus-veneris




América septentrional y Asia templada


Planta cespitosa de varias dimensiones con hojas ligeramente suspendidas por un peciolo de color negro ébano; numerosas pínulas, color verde oscuro, en forma de riñón crenuladas o lobuladas sobre el borde superior

Posibles Usos

como planta de interior, o bien para adornar muros, cuevas, rocallas húmedas o sombreadas


En Marzo


por división de las macollas en Marzo


Suficientemente luminoso, pero no directamente, con un nivel de humedad elevado. Evitar focos de calor y los cambios


riegos y rociados frecuentes, a dias alternos de manera que el sustrato tenga siempre un buen grado de humedad


tierra de jardín normal con turba o tierra de castaño


Adianthum en griego significa seco, esto se debe a que cuando se riega la planta, las hojas parecen no mojarse y forman una especie de perlas.

Exposición Solar




meses de floración

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12


jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Druhy rastlín podľa veľkosti


Klasifikácia rastlín podľa veľkosti

Stromy: Jedná sa o drevené-pochádzal rastliny vyšší ako päť metrov. V tomto prípade stonky známou pod menom protokolov, ktoré nie sú v obore do značnej výšky od zeme.

Kríky: Jedná sa o drevené-pochádzal rastliny, ktoré medzi jedným a piatimi metrov. Vetvenia v tomto prípade začína na úrovni terénu.

Matas: Jedná sa o drevené-pochádzal rastliny s sub-metrovej výšky.

Byliny: Tie pramenia woody štruktúry neboli odolné. Ich konzistencia je mäkká. (Viac informácií na bylinkách)

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011



Clasificación das plantas segundo o tamaño

Árbores: San plantas leñosas de talos máis altos do que cinco metros. Neste caso, as puntas son coñecidos polo nome de rexistros, que non ramifican a unha altura considerable do solo.

Arbustos: Estes son leñosas de talos plantas que están entre un e cinco metros de altura. Ramificación neste caso, comeza a nivel do solo.

Matas: Estes son leñosas de talos plantas con altura sub-meter.

Herbas: As puntas leñosas estruturas non teñan endurecido. A súa consistencia é grosa. (Máis información sobre herbas)

viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

SIZE BY bitkilərin NÖVLƏRİ

Bitki təsnifatı ölçülərinə görə

Ağaclar: Bunlar meşəli-bitki taller beş metr dayandırıldı. Bu halda budaqları olan yer bir xeyli boy filialı yoxdur logs adı ilə məşhurdur.

Kol: Bu meşəli-ki, bir arasında beş metr yüksəkdir bitki dayandırıldı olunur. Bu halda şax-budaq yer səviyyədə başlayır.

Matas: Bu meşəli-sub-metr hündürlüyü bitki dayandırıldı olunur.

Otlar: Bu meşəli strukturları sertleştirilmiş yoxdur kaynaklanmaktadır. Onların ardıcıllığı yumşaq edir. (otlar haqqında daha çox məlumat)...


miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

What genes help the longevity of plant age?


Some cut flowers and pot plants last longer than others, ie, they slow the aging process, known as senescence. Scientists at the Agricultural Research Service U.S. (ARS) scientists are studying how to help prolong the beauty of flowers, analyzing the genetic mechanisms that control aging in plants.

One option is called virus induced gene silencing (VIGS by its acronym in English), which allows researchers to determine the role of genes in old plants. In the laboratory, the scientists used a virus snuff rattlesnake, which was modified by inserting genes from plants of interest. In the experiments, some plants in bloom received no exposure to the virus, others are exposed to the virus to other conventional and modified.

Exposure stimulates the natural defense mechanisms of the plant, including attempts to silence the virus. When this occurs, the introduced genes in the modified virus was also muted. Comparing all plants, it is possible that researchers can determine the functions of genes silenced again.

In previous experiments, the researchers used as a model plant Petunia. It was found that the virus by inserting a piece of a gene that gives color, the flower obtained (which would normally be purple) have white spots. The system of plant defense silenced the normal function of the gene, s say, the creation of color.

A second gene fragment inserted into the virus also was silenced in plants with flowers with white spots. That gene was silenced the function of producing ethylene, which is a composite of aging. It was found that plants with white spots exposed to modified virus produced less ethylene than unexposed plants or plants exposed to the unmodified virus.

Although VIGS has been used in other studies related to the functions of genes in tomato and snuff, the experiments of these researchers were the first to cut flowers and potted plants produced commercially.