lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008

Plantas y Flores / Plants and Flowers / Azucenas - Lily - Lilies

The lily are among the aristocracy plant bulbs; beautiful flower, to give excellent vases and pleasant aroma, there are rates for sun or shade.
They can be grown in pots indoors for your presentation, and some types, even be forced to flower.
Some emit low roots stems, and these appear on both the bulb and below it, so should be planted in sufficient depth to make room for this growth.
Others, such as Lilium Candicum only rooted baseline. They need very little coverage, while others in this section may be enough to be planted deeper.
All appreciate the lily leaf type of soil humus; tolerate some lime, others abhor.

The most resistant and easy to grow outdoors are the European species, as L. martagon, with brown or white flowers; L. pyrenaicum, yellow with black spots and L. monadelphum, light yellow with black spots.
Among the species we have the splendid oriental L. auratum, with huge flowers up to 40 cm wide, white and striped in gold and crimson; L. henryi, orange; L. regale, rich aroma and creamy white; L. speciosum, with curved white or crimson flowers, and L. tigrinum, gold on, the lily tigre.
The hybrid lily are sold as pot plants or garden, and are more resistant to disease.
The best types to force flower hybrids are Mid-Century, L. auratum, L. and L. speciosum longiflorum: Easter lily, with fragrant white flowers that despite the name, appear in summer.

viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2008

Plantas y Flores / Plants and Flowers / Tulipanes, Tulpen tulips

About tulips going to happen a simple yet comprehensive guide to care for them.
The tulip bulbs are the best known and most typical. There are many varieties as well as natural species Tulipa gesneriana Tulipa suaveolens, etc. ..
They are used in gardening in clumps, Rocky, at the foot of trees in pots, garden and as cut flowers. It is best planted in compact groups of the same color.
The bloom is short and we must anticipate the staggering varieties to be taking the baton.
Combine well with the Wallflower, Myosotis, daisies in general, Gypsophila and annuals.
They support either the cold, indeed need to spend a period of low winter temperatures to achieve quality blooms. In climates with warm winters, many varieties may have problems. Holland, for example, has an ideal climate for them.
1. Choose a sunny spot.
2. Prospera both in acidic soils as alkali, making it ideal pH between 6.5 and 7.5. If your soil is acid, ie has a pH of 6 or less, enmiéndalo bringing a few weeks before planting a few handfuls of lime and burying them with an in-depth digging. This will be sufficient to raise the pH.
3. Make a subscriber organic (manure, topsoil, peat, etc.). At a rate of 30 kgs. per 10 m2 and entiérralo digging about 30 cm. deep. If paid in addition to organic you make a contribution of slow release fertilizer before planting, the better. With this preparation is not required more fertilizer during cultivation. However, it also can make 10 gr/m2 a complex 14-7-26 from the first sheet.

4. It is essential that enjoy good drainage and not form puddles for several days because the bulbs will rot. If necessary, bring sand from the river to aerate clay soils. The organic matter will help subscriber previous oxygen as well.
5. Purchase bulbs healthy, not wrinkled and tough. If you should have been kept in a cool, dry and no light.
6. Planting is done from mid-autumn until the end of the year according climates. In Mexico, from March would be in very cold regions since April in the least cold, but never beyond May. Fall advanced or early winter
7. Plant bulbs with the apex facing upwards burying about 10 cm deep and pressing the ground well for not forming air pockets around. The separation between bulbs is 15-20 cm. to the groups.
The recommendation is to buy new bulbs each season to achieve the highest quality of flower, but if you want to take is as follows:
Do not cut the stems of tulips when fading flower, the bulb is impaired and may not bloom the following year.
Remove the bulbs with bulblets attached around them in early summer once the leaves and stems present a yellowish appearance.
Límpialos and dry (a week to 20-25 ° C) to remove water from the soil that usually carry. Once dried, separates the masses of small bulbs, classified and stored in a cool, ventilated, dry and dark, but not in plastic bags or sealed containers because CRI mold.
In autumn the plant bulblets in an area not far visited the garden for fattening and larger bulbs in the place chosen for flowers and the following spring.
It is possible to carry out the blooming of tulips in the winter months using artificially prepared bulbs. Sometimes it is not easy to find for sale these tulips preparations, and to be distributed by establishments that have adequate structures so that the bulbs are kept in their original condition.

As your area is not really the most suitable for playing tulips, unless they expect the fall progressed where you can enjoy a bloom, but plants bought in nurseries, not reproduced by yourself.
About the bulb you've forgotten to remove, as would normally be undone, you have nothing to lose and you can seize the opportunity for some things poorly.

sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2008

Flores y Plantas / Plants and flowers: Cuidado de Lirios - Caring for Lilies - 关怀金针 - ユリの世話を

Necesitan mucho sol, una tierra que drene perfectamente y nunca encharque, dividirlos cada tres años, y poco más. Los rizomas no has de enterrarlos apenas, mejor que queden superficiales. Una vez establecidos son muy adaptables y resisten periodos de sequía como jabatos. Si quieres obtener planta nueva, divídelos (muy fácil) a finales de verano, espolvorea fungicida en el corte y plántalos en tierra a ser posible donde no se hayan cultivado iris antes.

They need plenty of sunshine, a land that drain well and never encharque, divide them every three years, and little more. The rhizomes will not have to bury them barely better than being superficial. Once established they are very adaptable and resist periods of drought as Jabatan. If you want to acquire new plant, divídelos (easy) in late summer, Sprinkle fungicide on the court and plántalos ashore if possible where there have been grown before iris.

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008

Plantas y Flores / Plants and flowers: ¿Afecta la música clásica a las plantas? Does classical music to plants? T-elle la musique classique au plantes

Claro que si... en experimentos hecho por cientificos con musica clasica , las plantas han experimentado un 25 por ciento más de crecimiento y mostraron una mayor cantidad de yemas foliares y florales, además de hojas más brillantes, en comparación con las no expuestas a música.

Of course, if ... in experiments done by scientists with classical music, plants have experienced 25 percent more growth and showed a greater amount of leaf and flower buds, besides brightest leaves, compared with the unexposed to music.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008

Amapolas - Poppies - Papaveri

Poppies: with great care simple reward

The pace of life today does not allow us to devote much time as we would like our garden. Therefore, if you're considering giving a touch of color to your small plot green flowers and need not require great care, do not worry, the poppy offers a wide variety of colours in exchange for a little care. A bit of sun and moderate watering enough to survive throughout the year.The poppy, Papaver rhoeas, which has inspired many popular songs, belongs to the family of Papaveráceas. This is a wild plant, native to Asia, Europe and Africa, we can adapt our gardens without any difficulty. Many consider it a weed, but actually, is one of the most colorful flowers that contributes to the fields, especially the edge of the road, where it grows often. A row of poppies along the corridor of entry to the house is one of the options recommended to showcase this species and bring nature into your home.Linda poppy: Surely you've ever browsed by rural roads and you found this flower around you.

Recalling that has a long stem and erect with fine Pelillo covering it. Some copies reach 1.5 m. tall, making them visible over weed the fields. The leaves, which do not possess petiole, emerging alternate along the stem. They have a unique form midrib and lobed and toothed is characteristic of this species. The most striking are their flowers, composed of four fragile and delicate petals forming an area that reaches 50 mm. in diameter. Although there is no cree that only scarlet red, we know that there are also copies oranges, yellows, purples and whites. On any of these shades highlight the long black stamens. Depending on the care and time that has been planted, can flower in spring or summer. The fruit of poppy, shaped like a small capsule, contains in its internal minuscule seeds that escape through the operculum (a kind of lid) to reproduce without assistance, the plant.

From field to your garden
If you choose to cultivate poppies, just make sure to leave the field and find a copy. Look for fruit, once you've found the perfect place to plant them, extract seeds and espárcelas along the ground leaving a separation between each of them. Do not try to transplant a container garden because it did not endure. The care you poppy requires you lose a lot of time. Just the place in a field of dry substrate and without large amounts of organic substances. Best if it is a sunny spot, although there is no inconvenience if half shade. Irrigation of poppies will depend on weather conditions in the area and season. Although very well hold the arid soils, performs this task once or twice a week or so. In summer, you'll need to do more someday.

Food and medicine
Unlike poppy or opium poppy, from which opium is extracted, the poppy is not toxic. Although it also has therapeutic applications. Only the leaves may be slightly poisonous when ingested by animals are herbivores. In people, petals, the sap and cause a sedative effect fruit. Nevertheless, we can not rely between species because a mistake can prove fatal. The infusion of poppy helps eliminate cough and expectoration, moreover, is used as a remedy for gastrointestinal ailments. Like any other medication, should be taken only under medical prescription. The poppy seeds have been used for centuries as a condiment. He also took his place in the elaboration of bread and pastries. There were also magic: mind an old legend that if you put on the plate of the loved one, it would fall rendida our feet. In fact, se cree que el efecto somnifera intake which produces large quantities of this flower, causing stunning individual, being able to handle our whim. With dried petals can be produced soft drinks, jams and syrups. The leaves are used to prepare various dishes of vegetables. They are also used in the kitchen immature fruit.

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

Cómo ahuyentar mosquitos y moscas de forma barata con un producto natural / How to drive away mosquitoes and flies cheaply with a natural product

Dejar vasos de chupito de vinagre cerca de tus plantas es la forma más barata de ahuyentar a los los mosquitos y moscas de tus plantas y habitación. Además el vinagre es un potente antioxidante que genera un ambiente bueno para protección de la piel del ataque de los radical que provocan el envejecimiento de las mismas. Exactamente realiza la misma función en las plantas. Si no se quiere dejar vasos cerca de las plantas, otra manera es pasar finamente un pincel vinagre por las hojas de las mismas. Considero que el vaso es más práctico, cuando se evapora todo el vinagre es cuestión de echar más. El problema de vivir en un atmosfera de vinagre es que genera a veces un poquito de irratación y leve tos en el paladar humano.
Allow shot glasses of vinegar around your plants is the cheapest way to drive away the mosquitoes and flies and plants from your room. In addition vinegar is a powerful antioxidant that creates a good environment for protecting the skin from attack by the radical cause aging of them. Exactly performs the same function in plants. If you do not want to leave glasses near the plant, another way is to move finely vinegar in a brush leaves them. I think that the glass is more practical when it evaporates around the vinegar is a matter of laying more. The problem of living in an atmosphere that generates vinegar is sometimes a bit of mild irritation and coughing in the human palate.

Consentire tiro bicchieri di aceto nei pressi di piante è il modo più economico per scacciare le mosche e zanzare e piante da camera. Inoltre l'aceto è un potente antiossidante che crea un buon ambiente per proteggere la pelle dagli attacchi di provocare la maturazione radicale di loro. Esegue esattamente la stessa funzione nelle piante. Se non si desidera lasciare occhiali vicino l'impianto, è un altro modo per spostare finemente aceto in un pennello lascia. Credo che il bicchiere è più pratico quando evapora circa l'aceto è una questione di posa più. Il problema di vivere in un clima che genera l'aceto è a volte un po 'di lieve irritazione e tosse nel palato umano.
Permettez-shot verres de vinaigre autour de vos plantes est le moyen le moins cher pour chasser les moustiques et les mouches et les plantes de votre chambre. En outre vinaigre est un antioxydant puissant qui crée un bon environnement pour protéger la peau contre les attaques par la cause radicale de leur vieillissement. Exactement la même fonction chez les plantes. Si vous ne voulez pas laisser les verres près de l'usine, une autre façon est de passer finement vinaigre dans un pinceau les feuilles. Je pense que le verre est plus pratique quand il s'évapore dans le vinaigre est une question de la pose plus. Le problème de vivre dans une atmosphère qui génère vinaigre est parfois un peu légère irritation de la toux et dans la bouche de l'homme.
Lassen Schuss Essig Gläser um Ihre Pflanzen ist der billigste Weg, um dem Auto entfernt die Mücken und Fliegen und Pflanzen aus dem Zimmer. Darüber hinaus Essig ist ein leistungsstarkes Antioxidant, schafft ein gutes Umfeld für den Schutz der Haut vor Angriffen durch die Alterung dazu führen, dass radikale von ihnen. Genau führt die gleiche Funktion in Pflanzen. Wenn Sie nicht wollen, lassen Sie Brille in der Nähe der Anlage, ein anderer Weg ist, um fein Essig in einer Bürste Blätter. Ich denke, dass das Glas ist praktisch, wenn es verdampft rund um den Essig ist eine Frage der Verlegung mehr. Das Problem des Lebens in eine Atmosphäre erzeugt, dass Essig ist manchmal ein bisschen leichte Reizungen und Husten im menschlichen Gaumen.