viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2008

Plantas y Flores / Plants and Flowers / Tulipanes, Tulpen tulips

About tulips going to happen a simple yet comprehensive guide to care for them.
The tulip bulbs are the best known and most typical. There are many varieties as well as natural species Tulipa gesneriana Tulipa suaveolens, etc. ..
They are used in gardening in clumps, Rocky, at the foot of trees in pots, garden and as cut flowers. It is best planted in compact groups of the same color.
The bloom is short and we must anticipate the staggering varieties to be taking the baton.
Combine well with the Wallflower, Myosotis, daisies in general, Gypsophila and annuals.
They support either the cold, indeed need to spend a period of low winter temperatures to achieve quality blooms. In climates with warm winters, many varieties may have problems. Holland, for example, has an ideal climate for them.
1. Choose a sunny spot.
2. Prospera both in acidic soils as alkali, making it ideal pH between 6.5 and 7.5. If your soil is acid, ie has a pH of 6 or less, enmiéndalo bringing a few weeks before planting a few handfuls of lime and burying them with an in-depth digging. This will be sufficient to raise the pH.
3. Make a subscriber organic (manure, topsoil, peat, etc.). At a rate of 30 kgs. per 10 m2 and entiérralo digging about 30 cm. deep. If paid in addition to organic you make a contribution of slow release fertilizer before planting, the better. With this preparation is not required more fertilizer during cultivation. However, it also can make 10 gr/m2 a complex 14-7-26 from the first sheet.

4. It is essential that enjoy good drainage and not form puddles for several days because the bulbs will rot. If necessary, bring sand from the river to aerate clay soils. The organic matter will help subscriber previous oxygen as well.
5. Purchase bulbs healthy, not wrinkled and tough. If you should have been kept in a cool, dry and no light.
6. Planting is done from mid-autumn until the end of the year according climates. In Mexico, from March would be in very cold regions since April in the least cold, but never beyond May. Fall advanced or early winter
7. Plant bulbs with the apex facing upwards burying about 10 cm deep and pressing the ground well for not forming air pockets around. The separation between bulbs is 15-20 cm. to the groups.
The recommendation is to buy new bulbs each season to achieve the highest quality of flower, but if you want to take is as follows:
Do not cut the stems of tulips when fading flower, the bulb is impaired and may not bloom the following year.
Remove the bulbs with bulblets attached around them in early summer once the leaves and stems present a yellowish appearance.
Límpialos and dry (a week to 20-25 ° C) to remove water from the soil that usually carry. Once dried, separates the masses of small bulbs, classified and stored in a cool, ventilated, dry and dark, but not in plastic bags or sealed containers because CRI mold.
In autumn the plant bulblets in an area not far visited the garden for fattening and larger bulbs in the place chosen for flowers and the following spring.
It is possible to carry out the blooming of tulips in the winter months using artificially prepared bulbs. Sometimes it is not easy to find for sale these tulips preparations, and to be distributed by establishments that have adequate structures so that the bulbs are kept in their original condition.

As your area is not really the most suitable for playing tulips, unless they expect the fall progressed where you can enjoy a bloom, but plants bought in nurseries, not reproduced by yourself.
About the bulb you've forgotten to remove, as would normally be undone, you have nothing to lose and you can seize the opportunity for some things poorly.

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