miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

plantas y flores / plants and flowers: Homeopathy-the-medicine-in-communion-with-nature-p2


The drug is given in infinitesimal doses, which is the only substance enregía. This point is disputed and scientific studies are attempting to explain the phenomenon. In the light of the momentous revolution that occurred last century physics, it is almost impossible to separate the molecular biological processes of the subatomic, the psyche and the habitat.

Once the medication prescribed, the phenomenon of healing, first mood descended after a lso improve physical symptoms. For chronic diseases, the improvement may not occur with the first rpimera drug and dose, the patient must be aware and be prepared to process a joint effort with the homeopathic physician.
Homeopathy is a complementary medicine that prevents disease and can act as single or adjunctive therapy in cases where non-derogable allopathic treatment.
Home homeopathic medications, a code information transmitted from nature. This allows you to exit the rigid schemes to survive and we make contact with the deep source of life that is waiting to be present in us when we express ourselves.
Wn synthesis, homeopathic cure when there is communion between man and nature ...

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