miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

Nerium oleander, azalea Mediterranean

Flores de adelfa
With the arrival of summer in Spain, millions of tourists choose this country as a destination to enjoy pleasant temperatures, long hours of sunshine and warm waters of its beaches. And while traveling on the highways ... the Nerium oleander, also known as oleander, accompanies them as part of the landscape as it is a plant used in the planting of the medians of these roads and roundabouts, as well as being a species of plant use ornamental in parks and gardens.

Thus, not surprisingly, particularly the inhabitants of the countries of central and northern Europe, when they see these plants, associated with good weather and leisure time. Under this premise, several Spanish nurseries that cultivate the Nerium oleander to be marketed in these countries as a houseplant.

Its culture as an indoor plant is associated with the use of technologies to obtain flowering plants with ornamental aspect that differs significantly from having their sisters in the wild (wild Nerium oleander).

For starters are selected varieties, both double flowers, semi-double as simple, in a wide range of pure colors as the classic red, pink, salmon and white ... in addition to its range of hues. Noted that the demand varies with the fashions and while each variety has its name, always called by the color of its flowers.

In order to improve their quality varietal, companies like Viverpal (Valencia - Spain) has a laboratory in-vitro culture to clean up these plants and determine their genotypes. The seedlings resulting from this process are designed to produce different generations from mother plants.

In nurseries, the Nerium oleander is cultivated in pots in this mode, with sizes that range between 12 and 17 centimeters in diameter with overall heights of 30 to 50 centimeters.

Each pot usually has two or more cuttings of plants with several branches each, creating a whole plant densely populated. The use of compaction techniques, are also the density of its foliage is quite higher than they would in their natural state.

Its culture is typically over a year. It cuttings from late February in trays of alveoli, are transplanted about 30 or 45 days after its final pot and sold between April and May next year.

The sale of these plants is carried out in target countries such as Germany, Holland, Denmark, Belgium ... and even in the Nordic countries. This sale is made on arrival at garden centers (center gardens) and large shopping centers.

As we say, when these plants start to appear in stores on April and May, the feeling that they get good weather and the holiday is rewarding. Such is the popularity of this plant that many groups are referred to as the Nerium oleander, azalea Mediterranean.

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