martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Flowers Zamioculcas - flowers are unisexual

Flores de Zamioculca

As we say, Zamioculcas flowers are of little interest and rarely appears as an ornamental houseplant.

As a description, the flowers are unisexual with spathe Zamioculcas very similar to the Anthurium and Spathiphyllum. It is bright yellow, four to seven centimeters, and is partially hidden between the bases of their leaves.

In Europe, flowering usually occurs between the months of May through October depending on weather and plant age. These flowers can live for several weeks.

Zamioculcas flowers emerge at ground level individually. In doing so, leave as a stem with its tip thickened aspect of entry and differs significantly from the shape of its long stems of leaves which we are accustomed. Upon reaching ten to fifteen centimeters long and the time that opens its flower, it bends downward even to touch the substrate. Thus, only appreciate their presence if we look with curiosity at the base of the plant from time to time.

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