miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010

The fig tree FicusThe fig tree Ficus

Ficus carica o higuera común

The fig tree Ficus carica or common name which is also known in this popular tree belonging to the Moraceae family, is classified as a small tree, although in optimum conditions acquires a large, exceeding 10 meters in height.


It originated in Asia Minor and the Mediterranean region, although there is information on what was probably introduced in the latter area since antiquity.

As we say, the common fig Ficus carica or a small tree labeled with a thick trunk size but short, smooth gray bark that often branching from the base easily. This allows you to create a large rounded glass that provides a good shade.

It is deciduous, with large sheets of dark green color and brighter beam and tomentose on the underside, with prominent venation. It has 3 to 7 lobes, with serrated margin. His blade is rough to the touch. If you cut the leaves or branches, the fig tree produces latex irritating.

The root development is feared by moving the soil where they are located.

Its flowers, like the characteristic appearance of ficus, are very small and are found inside a fleshy receptacle called syconium or FIG. Their fertilization is done by small insects that are introduced in these figs and their transit transport pollen to other flowers.

Fertilized fruits are axillary and usually solitary. The shape varies according to variety ranging from globose to pear. The color also depends on the variety and can vary from green to purple-black. Its flesh is edible and pleasant sweet taste.

There are varieties that come to produce two crops a year, the first ... short names, in early summer, and the second ... of figs, in late summer. The figs are produced in autumn, but remain on the tree during winter, maturing at the end of spring.

The common fig Ficus carica and currently grows almost spontaneously in Mediterranean climate with a distinctly ornamental, besides being cultivated as a fruit tree farms to market their fruit.

Reproduce by cuttings and is highly resistant to adverse conditions, being a very hardy species. So much so that we can find developed in the wild among the rocks on slopes and rock walls.

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