martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Myriophyllum verticillatum - Haloragaceas Myriophyllum which hosts about 45 species,

Within the family is the Gender Haloragaceas Myriophyllum which hosts about 45 species, all of them as freshwater aquatic plants, having a cosmopolitan distribution. These include the species Myriophyllum verticillatum.

Myriophyllum verticillatum

The Myriophyllum verticillatum is a listed aquatic grass plants within the group of oxygen that can live in stagnant water or something salty sweet.

The plant can be described as herbaceous perennial that grows submerged in the pond or aquarium. His long branched stalks can reach up to three meters in length.

These stems have whorls, usually five leaves and often longer than their internodes. Its leaves are divided into about 30 segments filiform. These plants tended to cover all the land at their disposal.

As for their flowers grow in spikes and colorful little above water (so that the pollen to circulate freely through the air), in whorls of 5, with bracts eventually divided. Are yellow-green of about three millimeters, most unisexual, with male flowers above and female flowers below.

In the northern hemisphere, usually flower in late spring and summer.

Fertilization of Myriophyllum verticillatum in the pond can be done with special soluble fertilizers at very low doses to avoid damaging the water quality.

As for maintenance, trimming their branches must go to avoid encroaching over the pond areas.

Myriophyllum verticillatum

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