martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Myriophyllum aquaticum. Native to the Amazon basin (South America)

Myriophyllum aquaticum

Among aquatic plants, including plants in the group of oxygen, is the Myriophyllum aquaticum. Native to the Amazon basin (South America), belongs to the family of Haloragaceas and is part of the 45 species that includes the Gender Myriophyllum. Also popularly known names such as "Brazilian yarrow", "parrot feather", "watermilfoil", "Napoleon in water", etc. is one of these freshwater aquatic plants of cosmopolitan distribution.

Myriophyllum aquaticum plant can be described as the perennial erect stem, with pinnate leaves, arranged around a sturdy stem in groups of 4 to 6 leaves. These leaves are 1.5 to almost 4 inches, has about 25 divisions in the form of threadlike segments each wing, giving the characteristic feathery appearance. The distance between the whorls is greater at the base ... shortened as they reach the end.

Developed root system that is adapted to be anchored to the substrate, but also can develop adventitious roots from their stems. The length of these can be of limited size in aquariums and easily reach over one meter and a half in lakes and ponds.

Myriophyllum aquaticum The flowers have male and female flowers are born in the axils of the leaves emerged. The female flowers are white, no petals, 4 sepals and stigmas prominent and a total size of only 1.5 mm. Its male flowers are 8 stamens.

As a plant is likely to emerge and submerge, in which case they change their morphology. These changes are a lower division of the leaves, greater rigidity and maintain a darker green than the submersed leaves, soft touch and light green. We know that in the first stage of life is purely aquatic (submerged).

The Myriophyllum aquaticum is a plant of rapid growth in appropriate conditions can create large masses, to the extent that in many countries is classified as invasive plant impeding the normal flow of water, and they even seriously alter lake ecosystems and rivers. Precisely for this rapid growth, is a voracious devourer of nitrates.

His play is very simple. As a flowering plant can reproduce by seed, although the fastest and safest way is by dividing up their stems, are ideal those who already have well-developed adventitious roots.

Highlight your rustic with a great capacity for adaptation. It shows you can live in temperatures between 10 º C to 30 º C. and pH 5.5-8.0. In terms of lighting can do in full sun.

The preferred substrate must be nutritious, but grows well in ferruginous and peat lands. Paradoxically, Myriophyllum aquaticum can also grow with the roots in water.

Emphasize that it is an outstanding plant as forming "screens havens" for fish, being very suitable for spawning them.

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