sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010

Agapanthus or flower of love


Flowers in the world but sometimes there are many flowers do not attract our attention by the type of flower it is but by the name they have and in this case, this plant has passed me.

Agapanthus plant is called but what is striking is the translation (from the Greek) which means flower of love (agape is love and is anthos flower.

It is a plant of the lily family made up of many flowers that are born into a sort of range reaching up to 40 flowers (they are tiny but they seem like a bunch).

The Agapanthus is a plant late in that it takes about 2-3 years to bloom. But after that period, usually bloom every year and with some care, flowering can be increased gradually.

Their needs are:

Frequent irrigation but not abundant.
Average temperature (not too cold).
Reproduction by division of tubers in March.
Partial shade.
Compost medium.

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