viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

plantas y flores / plants and flowers: Plants in the decoration of cribs

Plantas en la decoración de belenes

With Christmas coming the cribs, also called birth or portals such as cribs plastic representation of scenes from the Nativity of Jesus of Nazareth, which is normally exposed in churches, homes, plus shopping malls, plazas in cities and so on.
Plants in the decoration of cribs

Plants in the decoration of cribs

The use of plants to decorate nativity scenes is a very common practice, especially those of large size. Among the most utilized plants poinsettias, cyclamen, primroses ... and some conifers such as Thuja.

The crib in synthesis usually is represented Jesus, Mary and Joseph in a manger, or according to other traditions, in a stable, barn or cave where, according to Luke 2:7, the child was born. The accompanying tradition of a mule and an ox, according to the account of the apocryphal gospels and the text of the book of Isaiah and Habakkuk. Obviously joined the Kings, the shepherds ... but today the ornamentation with the public plays an important role and of course, the plants become a fundamental part of it.

Thus, in the manner and style of representing them as we can establish four categories are the Bible that are present in the landscape, characters, fittings and customs of Palestine at the moment, the people, which do not conform to the story ... even anecdotally include even pigs unclean animals to Jewish custom, the reproduction of the regional landscape, characters, costumes, artifacts and customs of the place where they make, and modern as the imagination sets limits.

But as we say, regardless of the category it belongs to the crib, the larger its size pieces, more important are the plants involved in its decoration, as its proportions allow better integration.

These plants are built with their respective pots, camouflaged with rocks, straw, sand ... integrate perfectly with the scenario created.

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