miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009

plantas y flores / plants and flowers: THE SAGE - THE PLACE OF THE ALCHEMIST


Sage is a woody plant at its base and herbaceous in the upper parts, has large leaves, narrow, ovate, with toothed edge, its smell is aromatic and slightly bitter taste. The flowers are blue, "although in many cases have shades of violet, and are grouped in rodajuelas. The most distinctive feature of this plant are the stamens, which are reduced to a pair, with only half anther each.
It breeds on the arid plains of Castile, Aragon and Catalonia, as in much of Andalusia.

In the sage essential oil are rich in thujone, cineol and borneol. Materials are also tannic and bitter substances, resins, starch, albuminoid, phosphoric acid and the root has been found some asparagine.
In folk medicine this plant has been used to treat stomach upset, cramps, and diarrhea tympanitis.
The essence has an antiseptic action, eupeptic and antiperspirant; has always been recognized its effectiveness to prevent or reduce the night sweats of those with fever. Another action that is recognized is designed to normalize menstrual function in women. And also ensures that significantly reduces blood sugar level, so it is used as hypoglycemic. Externally is said to be astringent, the presence of tannins, with a good antiseptic and healing.
Do not forget that the essence must always take precautions, so do not overuse the plant since in high doses can be neurotoxic and Convulsants; may also cause skin irritation. In general, the use of whole plant is contraindicated in infants and people with kidney failure.
Finally, it should be mentioned that, due to its properties stomach, the plant is also used as a culinary spice, in fact, where possible, can be used fresh sage leaves: Chop and add to soups, stews and dishes all kinds of vegetables.

.- Infusion. A rate of 20 g per liter of water plant. Prepare an infusion of the stomach which can take 3 cups daily.
.- Essence. From 2 to 4 drops, 2 or 3 times daily, administered on a sugar cube. It is important not to exceed this dose.
.- Tincture. From diluted alcohol, mix one part sage and 10 of watery alcohol, macerated with agitation for a week, then filtered and reason takes 35-40 drops twice a day.
In the pharmaceutical market are available leaves and flowering tops in many pharmaceutical forms: plant cut, tablets, extracts, tinctures, oils, capsules, etc..

The sage begins to flower in May, lasting through the summer. Leaves are collected, mainly of young plants, and also the tops about to open its flowers. Collection is recommended on a sunny day and well into the morning. Drying is done separately (leaves and tops) in dryer and a temperature of 35 ° C, once dry, the material is stored in clean dry jars. Conservation does not require special conditions.

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