jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2009

plantas y flores / plants and flowers: Homeopathy for plants


"How you ask the man who does not pollute water, air, and that does not destroy the forests when the first thing he does is prey to his own body."
Michel Foucault

Dear reader, is holding an important tool for management, healthy development of their crops. In this book we will journey together a workshop on the major issues of homeopathy applied to the management of pests and plant diseases (agrohomeopatía), realizing its historical background, principles and basic techniques of preparing homeopatizadas biopharmaceutical preparations and substances.
Through a wealth of practical advice, you will learn to repertorize crops, to observe and predict the effects of medicines on the basic kit of homeopathy for plants.

The agrohomeopatía is the science that allows to manage pests and diseases in all living organisms, this time we will concentrate on the plants can even be used in rustic conditions, without requiring sophisticated laboratories or economic dependence on expensive preparations.
Regarding the treatment of chronic diseases of the soil and plants, in which the activity of man-eater has plenty of merit, agrohomeopatía is one of the important tools for bioremediation, requires complex knowledge in this manual we will only briefly .
Despite the apparent simplicity of rustic charm and agrohomeopáticos preparations, the agrohomeopatía is a science that involves profound redefinition of concepts about the nature of plants, soil, of all living things since then includes the man himself.
The agrohomeopatía is a holistic comprehensive proposal that will allow produce healthy food for you and your family and being in harmony with nature and with himself.
The agrohomeopatía focuses mainly on strengthening the plant and other organisms living in harmony with it without a trace hazardous to the health of plants, animals or humans that surround and consume.

In addition, agrohomeopatía has an ever greater importance compared with global climate change.
The sudden changes in weather conditions and a dephasing of the natural cycles relatively stable over hundreds of years may facilitate the development and multiplication of new pests and diseases unknown until recently, pressure to crops due to water stress, either from drought or through floods and heavy rains that cause the appearance of rot, fungi, bacterial, viral and crop failures.
The agrohomeopatía offers opportunity to help plants cope with environmental stress and adapt more easily to the challenges of survival without this means increasing the rations of water, apply chemical fertilizer or build costly artificial environments.
Like any technology, has its limits agrohomeopatía that are marked by the extension of the vital dynamics of plants and other organisms, including the floor, you can say in this sense that you can extend the dynamic agrohomeopatía life, make it more responsive front the challenges that arise.
It is a fact that the observed global land, tired of the constant abuse of agrochemicals, vitiated by the Over-and dependent on external stimuli, decreases in production.
And do not get back in complex form at least part of what the man takes it (fruits, seeds, fibers, roots, tubers, wood, et.), The land loses its fertility, its ability to produce, customize your texture, color and characteristic odor, wash out, demineralized and where for centuries were now healthy and abundant crop soil appears dry, stony and useless for agriculture.

The agrohomeopatía represents a valuable tool to restore the health of crops and land, restores a balance between organisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi, insects, birds, mammals, who both live in intimate communion with man.
Renews the balance between different organisms on Earth and around it, strengthening and growth of plants so that they can successfully confront the emergence of pests and diseases and climate change.
In principle, the objective of our work will learn to respect nature, to overcome our destructive instinct, not just pretend to annihilate the pest or disease (albeit through homeopathy): kill, crush it or delete it, but first try to understand the causes of the pest and disease in plant, animal or soil. Then we can recognize the diseases and pests as an outward sign of an imbalance, we can serve you from the outset and establish a balance that will result in the reduction of pests and diseases (imbalances in the vital dynamics).

The state of health or disease states is not absolute, exists between them an infinity of gradations in a constant dynamic movement, we must accept even that some diseases and pests are important in the balance of nature, but from the standpoint of human or economically not think so.
The health and fertility of the land and animals have a direct relationship with the physical, mental, spiritual man, understand this will mean a profound change in the mentality of the farmer.
People think: 'what me and makes me sick if I apply a chemist, I comply with safety instructions, and that is enough, I'm just killing a worm that eats my plants.
But sooner or later we will come to pollution in the form of a plague, also known as strengthened superplague-to which our chemists will not effect. We will use more powerful then other substances, contamination of other agencies and leave traces of poison in the basement, ground, air, water, fruit, seeds and other organisms.
By the logic of agencies is at the end of the food chain such as mammals and man for example, accumulate the effects of pollution on an intensive basis.
We see quality that changing the habits of farmers and their farming practices from the Green Revolution have brought unusual disease occurrence in the past as cancer and diabetes. The indiscriminate use of such organofosfados mysterious incurable diseases cause central nervous system.
In the area inhabited by men and women live longer, and if you wonder why now is not the case, they will soon discover that the changed circumstances compared with the past is summed up in the use of pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and other toxic chemicals also stress.
This situation increases the consumption of processed foods-most attractive in its package-containing preservatives, colorings, flavorings and substitutes for all types and forms that poison early and predispose the body to chronic degenerative diseases.

The subsequent application of pesticides to the land passing to the fruits, the fruits to animals and from animals to man to be ingested, even if production increases temporarily, eventually lead to the destruction of nature and the man who is part of it.
We can confirm this clearly: the future of human health depend on the care you have with their land, the most powerful medicines found in healthy food, clean air and water and not powerful or novel drugs.
If we learn to care for the earth, their health and fertility, she will take care of our crops, "and he can do so much better than we do take care of our animals and finally give the possibility for humans to live a long and healthy life.

To my colleagues for their advice, corrections and assistance. Thanks to Dr. Niurka Moreno Meneses for joining in searches, to Katja for proofreading Hahnemannian Schutt, Dr. Vincent and Dr. Wagner Casali Amarilys de Toledo Cesar on many materials and advice, Dr. Antonio de Oliveira Lobao by moral support and important views, the MC Ramon Aguilar Garcia for his wise counsel on soils, MC Jose Guadalupe Hernandez Davila, Dr. Fortunato Garza Ocana and MC Mauricio González Biol Ferrara for unselfishly sharing their knowledge of biological and herbal; thank lng. Roberto Benitez Chavez for his support and inspiration in the field of measurements, thanks also to my students, their questions and questions inspired me to be more clear and forceful in the arguments and my thanks also to the many farmers and producers, who with his keen observations provided invaluable material.
Most particularly to my wife Elza Fujimoto for their understanding, support, advice and patience, it would be impossible without their help the job done.
Thanks to Dr. Frantisek Kahuda (+) to inspire and encourage my early research on plants, my father, MSc. Radko Tichavský (+) and my uncle, MSc. Rene Tichavský (+), directors of the Botanical Garden in Jeseník, who instilled in me the love of nature and respect for their wisdom.

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