sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009

plantas y flores / plants and flowers: Food and plants to snore less


Food and plants to snore less
Although its effectiveness is not fully demonstrated, some foods help to improve breathing ability
Snoring is a problem that affects both those who suffer as the companion of bed. In the long list of products and gadgets antironquidos, highlighting popular nasal strips to open the airways, special pillows that "encourage" a change of position if you snore too, the aspirations of steam or nasal sprays and rinses with essential oils to decongest the airways and help to snore less. However, although scientific evidence is lacking, some foods and plants have proven effective against snoring, as they improve blood circulation and breathing capacity.

Snoring is caused when the soft palate and uvula (popularly known as "bell") partially blocked the airways during sleep. The causes are many and so varied that remedy only one of them can cause frustration, albeit temporary stop snoring snore or less, over time the problem recurs.

Experts say snoring is not a disease, although the lack of treatment, if accompanied by obstructive sleep apnea (breathing stops for a few seconds) can cause serious long-term illnesses: increased cardiovascular risk (hypertension, arrhythmias) and high headaches, among others. The most common causes of snoring are responsible for nasal congestion from colds or allergies, enlarged tonsils, deformities in the nose, like a deviated septum, and consumption of alcohol.

Being overweight also contributes to snore more, when the air, the accumulated fat in the neck vibrates and creates noise. In Spain, according to the latest National Health Survey (ENS 2006), 37.8% of adults are overweight and 15.6% have problems of obesity rates similar to those recorded in the infant and juvenile stage (30% 13.9% of overweight and obesity).

Many people have more weight considered healthy for his age and health condition. Similarly, many who snore: half of men and a quarter of women. For most, the problem of snoring (and even sleep apnea) can be solved if they lose weight. The added value of not snoring is more than the body rests and this has implications for improved health and quality of life during the day.

Eating well for a good rest

The popular heritage believes that milk, fried foods and chocolate are foods that should not be taken for dinner because digestion and accentuating worsen snoring. But there is no scientific evidence that associates the consumption of specific foods to a worsening of snoring, although after a heavy meal falls asleep snoring worse and more, including those not accustomed to.

The possibility of obtaining benefits through the use of plants has led to the invention of various remedies without proven

People affected-both who snores as his companion, you have to assess whether noticeable improvement or worsening by the type of dinner. Lighten the meal to improve digestion can help reduce snoring. The type, number of foods chosen for dinner and how cooking affects digestion and the ability to sleep.

Should be restrained with the quantity, in order not to saturate the stomach and lengthen the digestion, and preferably low-fat cooking, a simple way (steamed, boiled, grilled, oven.), Without chips, not abusing the bold, spicy seasonings and avoid coffee. The effect of alcohol has been studied more. Alcohol intake, either acute or chronic, disrupts sleep and helps insomnia, breathing problems worse, increases the incidence and duration of obstructive sleep apnea and even make them worse, which can be dangerous for those already suffering from the disorder.

Studies reveal that alcohol induces oropharyngeal muscle hypotonia, which makes the tissue of the palate and upper pharynx are more soft and loose, breathing vibrate and generate noise. The results of a recent test conducted by the Städtische Kliniken Frankfurt (Germany), published this month in the Journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngologycal Societies (EUFOS) confirm this hypothesis and detail that alcohol intake affects nocturnal individuals greater snorers than those who are not.
The role of essential oils

Sprays, rinses and infusions with essential oils are another alternative to help stop snoring. In a double blind placebo controlled study, researchers at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Shrewsbury (United Kingdom), evaluated the use of a mixture of essential oils extracted from various plant parts (leaves, petals, fruits, roots) slightly fragrant rich in volatiles. The vegetable selection was made by its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral, as well as their possible effects on reducing stress and emotional arousal.

The mixture, which they called "Helps Stop Snoring" (aids to stop snoring) contained "Mentha arvensis (mint)," Mentha piperita (peppermint), "Citrus limonum (lemon balm), Eugenia caryophyllus "(nail)," officianalis Melissa (lemon balm), "pumilio Pinus mugo (dwarf pine)," Foeniculum vulgare (fennel), "Salvia officinalis (sage)," Thymus serpyllum (thyme), "Cymbopogon vinterianus "(citronella)," Eucalyptys globulus (eucalyptus), "Lavandula angustifolia (lavender)," Pistacia lentiscus (mastic) and Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine).

The authors of this preliminary project found a significant reduction of snoring in both the group of volunteers who used the spray (spray) of essential oils and applied in the oropharyngeal area, as women who took the same formulation as a liquid (rinse ) gargle, compared with placebo. The hypothesis that point is that the formula "may have an antispasmodic action on the soft palate and the upper area of the pharynx, by altering the muscle tone and reduce the flapping of the tissues."

The blend of essential oils may also increase blood flow to the palate, causing a moderate increase in "stiffness" and, thus, reduce the flapping of the tissues that cause snoring. Even if the duration of action of oils is short, may be enough for the companion settle to sleep. Other studies have argued about positive results with different mixtures of plants, although the common denominator in all is the small sample size and short duration of treatment.

The possibility of obtaining benefits through the use of plants has led to the invention of remedies with different format (from sprays to Print oropharyngeal, oral or nasal), containing variety of essential oils that emerge gradually. Effective use of these preparations and mixtures are not sufficiently demonstrated, although the manufacturers to ensure their validity and confer on the composition of the putative properties prepared to reduce snoring to "catch the tissues around the soft palate and uvula, "mucous congestion," "breathing easier" and / or "clear the mucus from the nose.

Folk Remedies

Home remedies are in addition to products that are marketed with the objective of combating the annoying and irritating snoring. A trick for which there is no scientific proof "that can be effective for some people, is to cut an onion into pieces, boil for 15 minutes, strain the preparation, sweeten with a little brown sugar and drink the tea about two hours before bedtime. The infusion of sage, ingested one hour before bedtime, is recommended for its positive effects. The steam duct to relieve congestion and improve breathing also help to snore less and sleep, or sleep-over stop.

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